A Healthy Mind In A Healthy Body

Holistic fitness and mindset coaching to help you balance your mind and body for a healthy, happy, and fit life.

Healthier, Happier, Fitter

F i n d T h e P e r f e c t B a l a n c e B e t w e e n Y o u r M i n d A n d B o d y

The key to a better life lies in finding the balance between your mind and body. When your body feels good, your mind follows suit, and when your mind is in a positive place, your body thrives too.

Life can get overwhelming, especially when juggling work, family, and social commitments. It’s a constant struggle to find time for yourself, to regain that lost energy, and to rediscover motivation. Yet, deep down, you want to feel truly alive again. To create balance in your life starts with nurturing the harmony between your body and mind. Because when they work together, you’ll experience the vibrant sensation of being truly alive.

We can help you achieve a healthier, happier, fitter life.

X frustrated that 24h is just not enough to balance your busy schedule with a healthy lifestyle

X tired, lazy, with no energy and motivation

X overwhelmed with all the resources available and what you see on social media

X left out because you’re ‘not good enough’

X lost and hopeless doing this alone

If you want to STOP feeling:

And you’re READY to:

✓ prioritize yourself and your health over excuses

✓ find your inner strength to create the life you desire

✓ feel confident in yourself and what you’re capable of

✓ regain your mojo

✓ align yourself with your mind, soul and body – to feel alive!

Our mission is to provide you with guidance, support, and resources to help you unlock your full potential and achieve your goals.

Our Services

H o w w e c a n h e l p y o u

Our coaching programs are all about YOU. We create them with your lifestyle, your unique needs, and your goals in mind. Whether you want to lose weight, get stronger, have more energy, or just feel better inside and out, we’re here to support you.

Together, we’ll help you develop healthy habits that bring lasting results. Transform your well-being with us and become the best version of yourself.

W h a t O u r C l i e n t s S a y

“Conscious Health & Fitness has been a total game-changer for me as a university student. Beyond the effective workouts and nutrition tips, their focus on connecting the mind with the body has significantly improved my ability to concentrate on my studies. It’s not just about physical exercises; their mindset coaching has made a real difference. Now, I approach my classes with a clearer and more focused mind, thanks to the holistic approach. It’s been a transformative journey, and I’m excited for more progress ahead!“

- Anamaria C. -

“I can finally wear the coat I bought last year! 😀 My shoulders and back have increased in size, and my body has gotten toned. I feel so much more confident; even my friends have noticed it. I not only feel strong but also more vibrant overall. Conscious Health & Fitness is more than just workouts; it’s a fantastic way to upgrade your life. Excited to continue and see even more positive changes!“

- Attila Cs. -

"My job as an ambulance driver requires a lot of sitting and lifting people, and it led to persistent lower back pain. Thankfully, Conscious Health & Fitness came to the rescue. The exercises they gave me made a real difference. Now, my back feels so much better, especially during those long hours. They didn’t just fix my back; they made my work much more comfortable. A big thanks to them for enhancing how I feel every day! “

- Renata L. -

“The holistic approach from CHF has made a significant impact on my mindset and dancing. The workouts boost my mood and give me energy for the day. What’s even better is the confidence I’ve gained in my dancing. I feel more connected to the moves, dancing with ease and joy. “

- Gia T. -


“Juggling a busy work-life made it tough to stick to any fitness routine. But CHF stepped up by tailoring the program to my hectic schedule. Their consistent check-ins, messages, and reviews provided the accountability I needed to stay on track. It’s more than just fitness coaching; it’s a personalized, supportive team. Thanks to Conscious Health & Fitness, I’ve discovered a sustainable way to prioritize my health amid my busy schedule.“

- Kerry P. -

“Healthy habits are now a natural part of my life, thanks to CHF. Without even noticing, I now choose peanut butter toast instead of chocolate spread. Before, I didn’t like to exercise, but now I’m genuinely excited about each session.“

- Marien C. -

T h e S t e p T o w a r d s Y o u r T r a n s f o r m a t i o n

This discovery call is about YOU – your needs, lifestyle habits, and goals. Together, we’ll explore how we can work together to achieve the results you desire. Whether you want to lose weight, build muscle, improve your overall health, or enhance your fitness level, we’re here to support and guide you every step of the way. Take this opportunity to jumpstart your journey towards a healthier, happier, and fitter You.

Fill out the form to secure your slot, and we can’t wait to connect with you soon!




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